Architectural elements can quickly invoke a specific style.
Murals are large paintings, and are most commonly created on expansive walls in private homes, as well as on public buildings. Paintings can also adorn your palace. David uses the combined techniques of faux finishes and trompe l'oeil in his canvas paintings. You'll be absolutely thrilled when the piece designed for your home or business enhances your new environment. The advantage to this approach is being able to decide exactly how you want your finished room to look. When you commission a hand-painted design, you can be sure it will be a one-of-a-kind piece that will be admired for generations to come.
When it comes to faux finishing, the sky really is the limit. Primal Colors takes pride in customizing your finish, to create a truly unique look. We give consideration to every design element when planning your space, and incorporate your overall concept into something spectacular. Don't forget to refinish your cabinets — it's less expensive than buying new ones, and it gives your kitchen a fresh look. From traditional to contemporary, elegant to eccentric, there is likely a custom finish that David Hettel can create for your project.
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